Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter
May/June 2021
Language Arts
What are we learning?
- Readers ask questions about topics that interest them
- Writers share about things they know about by talking, drawing, and writing
PYP Connections-
- Learner Profile Attributes: Thinker, Communicator
- Approaches To Learning: Thinking skills
Home/School Connection
- Go on a walk with your child and encourage them to ask questions about what they see
- Encourage your child to draw a picture and label the pictures
What are we learning?
- Model and solve various types of story and picture problems using 5 or fewer concrete objects
- Students will identify and explore simple patterns of concrete objects and use them to recognize relationships
PYP Connections-
- Learner Profile Attributes: Knowledgeable
- Approaches To Learning: Thinking Skills
Home/School Connection
- Create a math story with your child using manipulatives. For example, there was 1 ant who met 2 ants. How many ants are there?
- Encourage your child to find patterns in their everyday life.
What are we learning?
Scientists investigate that materials can be reused, recycled, and conserved
PYP Connections-
- Learner Profile Attributes: Refective
- Approaches To Learning: Thinking Skills
Home/School Connection
- Collect items around your house and find different ways to use them
Social Studies
What are we learning?
- Children will show an awareness that things change over time
PYP Connections-
- Learner Profile Attributes: Caring
- Approaches To Learning: Thinking Skills
Home/School Connection
- Show your child pictures from when they were babies and ask them to tell you how they changed
Important Dates and Reminders
- Memorial Day - May 31 - no school
- Last Day of School- June 4
Technology Information:
- At the end of the school year ALL school-issued laptops will have to be returned to Dogwood. Laptops will not be kept over the summer. More details on drop off and collection procedures are coming soon.
- Dogwood’s Tech Help Desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 11 AM if you find that there are problems with your child’s laptop or the MiFi.