2nd Grade Newsletter

May/June 2021

By 2nd Grade Team
May 03, 2021

Thank you !!!!!!!  We could not have done this year without your support, understanding and patience. Your children have been caring, principled learners in the midst of many new challenges. We’ve made some wonderful memories together and  look forward to a strong finish as we end the year. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful summer!

Asynchronous Mondays- please continue to help your child complete their attendance form  and asynchronous work on Mondays. Both can be found on Google Classroom. Mondays are considered mandatory school days. Thank you for your continued support!

ALL school-issued laptops will have to be returned to Dogwood at the end of the school year.  Laptops will not be kept over the summer.  More details on drop off and collection procedures are coming soon. If your child is attending summer school, they will be given another computer before their summer class begins.


Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • Researchers engage in a process of inquiry to ask and seek answers to questions
  • Readers explore perspectives that are included and those that are absent
  • Critical readers notice stereotypes in text and illustrations
  • Writers communicate opinions or ideas on topics they feel strongly about to share their perspectives and to enact change.

Home/School Connection

  • Create a “Wonder Wall” at home. This can be a place where your child writes down questions and as a family you can work together to answer them!
  • Read a variety of books together at home. Think about a new perspective while reading together.
  • What is your Second Grader doing to make a change in the world? Write a letter to somebody or some place that needs to make a change!


What are we learning?

  • Mathematicians estimate sums and differences. 
  • Mathematicians determine sums and differences, using various methods.  
  • Mathematicians create and solve single-step and two-step practical problems involving addition and subtraction. 
  • Mathematicians demonstrate an understanding of equality through the use of the equal symbol and the use of the not equal symbol.

Home/School Connection

  • Addition War: Use a deck of playing cards. Deal the entire deck to all players. Each player turns over 2 cards to find the sum (emphasize this language!). The player with the higher sum wins and takes all 4 cards; repeat this until all the cards are gone. The player with the most cards at the end wins. (Challenge: Turn over 3 cards each round.)
  • Subtraction War: Deal the entire deck to all players. Each player turns over 2 cards to find the difference between the numbers. Have them use the larger digit first. For example, if they turn over a 4 and 6, make sure they subtract 6-4=2.


What are we learning?

  • Students will investigate and understand that plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they grow and develop
  • Students will investigate and understand that plants are important natural resources

Home/School Connection

  • Take a nature walk together and notice the plants/trees. Discuss how they provide protection for animals.
  • Make a list with your child of the food you ate today that came from plants.
  • Go on a scavenger hunt around your house together and find things that are made from plants.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

  • Students will describe and evaluate how the contributions of selected individuals changed the lives of Americans. 
  • We will discuss individuals such as: Thurgood Marshall, Helen Keller, Cesar Chavez, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, and many others!

Home/School Connection

  • Talk about individuals your child knows that make an impact. 
  • Create a list of ways your child can make a difference and take action!
  • Ask your child to teach you about a leader they have learned about. 
  • Point out leaders in your community. Have your child write a letter or note to them.

Important Dates and Reminders

  • Monday, May 31- Memorial Day- No school
  • Tuesday, June 8- Asynchronous school day
  • Friday, June 11- Last day of school- early release

Dogwood Summer Library Hours

  • Open on Tuesdays- 1:00-4:00
  • Story Time at 1:30

Technology Information:

Dogwood’s Technology Solution Station is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 11 AM and no appointment is necessary.